The Testing Show
Matt Heusser, Justin Rohrman, Perze Ababa, Brian Van Stone and me, along with a revolving cast of guests. A little testing news, a topic du jour, and a propensity for occasional silliness. This show is sponsored by Qualitest.
- The Testing Show - Testing When You Don’t Have Enough Testers
- The Testing Show - Testing as a Trusted Advisor
- The Testing Show - Skill on the Test Team
This Week in Software Testing
Matt Heusser and I produced and created 131 podcasts for Software Test Professionals between June of 2010 and January of 2013. I came on board for Episode 6, and produced every show from then through our final entry, Episode #131.Listed episodes are with Matt Heusser interviewing the guests unless otherwise noted.
SoftwareTestProfessionals requires Basic Membership to view the Podcast entries, and Pro Membership to access entries older than 30 days.
- TWiST #131: History of the Quality Movement, Part 3 (w/ Matt Heusser)
- TWiST #130: History of the Quality Movement, Part 2 (w/ Matt Heusser)
- TWiST #129: History of the Quality Movement, Part 1 (w/ Matt Heusser)
- TWiST #128: STP-CON Panel: Telling Our Story
- TWiST #127: STP-CON Panel: Finding and Mentoring Testers
- TWiST #126: STP-CON Panel: Developing and Delivering Trust
- TWiST #125: STP-CON Panel: Future of Software Testing
- TWiST #124: Evaluating Software Testers (w/ Savita Munde) TWiST #123: Rethinking the Cost of Change Curve (w/ Jokin Aspiazu and Tilta Delalic)
- TWiST #122: Being a Chief Quality Officer (w/ Johan Åtting)
- TWiST #121: Leading Self Organized Teams, Part 2 (w/ Michael Larsen, Timothy Western, Ben Yaroch and Adam Yuret)
- TWiST #120: Leading Self Organized Teams, Part 1 (w/ Michael Larsen, Timothy Western, Ben Yaroch and Adam Yuret)
- TWiST #119: Top Three Performance Landmines (w/ Andreas Grabner)
- TWiST #118: The Changing Face of QA Management, Part II (w Debbie Richardson, Anna Royzman, Wade Wachs and Ben Yaroch)
- TWiST #117: The Changing Face of QA Management, Part I (w Debbie Richardson, Anna Royzman, Wade Wachs and Ben Yaroch) TWiST #116: Test Ops, Part II (w/ Perze Ababa, Michael Larsen Thomas Vaniotis and Wade Wachs)
- TWiST #115: Test Ops, Part I (w/ Perze Ababa, Michael Larsen Thomas Vaniotis and Wade Wachs)
- TWiST #114: Knight Capital, Part II (Mark Tomlinson, Wade Wachs)
- TWiST #113: Knight Capital, Part I (Mark Tomlinson, Wade Wachs)
- TWiST #112: Hands on Testing, Part II (Andy Tinkham, Mark Tomlinson, Brian Gerhart and Todd Schultz)
- TWiST #111: Hands On Testing, Part I (Andy Tinkham, Mark Tomlinson, Brian Gerhart and Todd Schultz)
- TWiST #110: Being a Role Model, Part II ((Ilarik Aegerter, Markus Gaertner, Michael Larsen, Anna Royzman, David Vydra, Christin Wiedemann)
- TWiST #109: Being a Role Model, Part I(Ilarik Aegerter, Markus Gaertner, Michael Larsen, Anna Royzman, David Vydra, Christin Wiedemann)
- TWiST #108: Autodidacts Unite, Part II (Matt Barcomb, Fiona Charles, Phil McNeely, Ken Pier, Anna Royzman, Wade Wachs)
- TWiST #107 – Autodidacts Unite, Part I (Matt Barcomb, Fiona Charles, Iain McCowatt, Phil McNeely, Wade Wachs)
- TWiST #106 – Exploratory vs. Automation, Part II (Matt Barcomb, Doug Hoffman, Cem Kaner, Michael Larsen, Phil McNeely Claire Moss, Ken Pier)
- TWiST #105 - Exploratory vs. Automation, Part I (Cem Kaner, Michael Larsen, Claire Moss, Ken Pier)
- TWiST #104 - The Future of Test Management, Part II (Perze Ababa, Paul Carvalho, Michael Larsen and Wade Wach)
- TWiST #103 - The Future of Test Management, Part I (Perze Ababa, Paul Carvalho, Michael Larsen and Wade Wach)
- TWiST #102 - Bug Hunting, Part II (Perze Ababa, Wade Wachs, Timothy Western and Benjamin Yaroch)
- TWiST #101 - Bug Hunting, Part I (Perze Ababa, Wade Wachs, Timothy Western and Benjamin Yaroch)
- TWiST #100 - Building Trust, Part II (David Greenlees, Alex Kell, Timothy Western)
- TWiST #99 - Building Trust, Part I (David Greenlees, Alex Kell, Timothy Western)
- TWiST #98 - Agile Teams, Part II (Catherine Powell)
- TWiST #97 - Agile Teams, Part I (Catherine Powell)
- TWiST #96 - Hard Questions and Agile, Part II (Scott Barber, Lanette Creamer, Eric Jacobson, Ben Simo, Rob Welsh)
- TWiST #95 - Hard Questions and Agile, Part I (Scott Barber, Lanette Creamer, Eric Jacobson, Ben Simo, Rob Welsh)
- TWiST #94 - SoLoMo, Part II (Matt Johnston)
- TWiST #93 - SoLoMo, Part I (Matt Johnston)
- TWiST #92 - Testing: Wanted Dead or Alive, Part II (Jon Bach)
- TWiST #91 - Testing: Wanted Dead or Alive, Part I (Jon Bach)
- TWiST #90 - Agile Testing and ET, Part II (Matt Barcomb, Lanette Creamer)
- TWiST #89 - Agile Testing and ET, Part I (Matt Barcomb, Lanette Creamer)
- TWiST #88 - Miagi-do and Self Development, Part II (Markus Gaertner, Michael Larsen, Peterri Lyytinen)
- TWiST #87 - Miagi-do and Self Development, Part I (Markus Gaertner, Michael Larsen, Peterri Lyytinen)
- TWiST #86 - Testing In Production, Part II (L.B. Dankar, Seth Eliot, Michael Larsen)
- TWiST #85 - Testing In Production, Part I (L.B. Dankar, Seth Eliot, Michael Larsen)
- TWiST #84 - Getting Hired, Part III (Michael Larsen, Claire Moss, Wade Wachs)
- TWiST #83 - Getting Hired, Part II (Michael Larsen, Claire Moss, Wade Wachs, Ben Yaroch)
- TWiST #82 - Getting Hired, Part I (Michael Larsen, Claire Moss, Wade Wachs, Ben Yaroch)
- TWiST #81 - Virtualization, Part II (Lanette Creamer, Michael Larsen, Dawn Test Code)
- TWiST #80 - Virtualization, Part I (Lanette Creamer, Michael Larsen, Dawn Test Code)
- TWiST #79 - Interviewing Testers, Part II (Paul Carvalho, Eric Jacobson, Wade Wachs, Benjamin Yaroch)
- TWiST #78 - Interviewing Testers, Part I (Paul Carvalho, Eric Jacobson, Wade Wachs, Benjamin Yaroch)
- TWiST #77 - Test is Dead, Part II (Scott Barber, Patrick Sullivan, Benjamin Yaroch)
- TWiST #76 - Test is Dead, Part I (Scott Barber, Patrick Sullivan, Benjamin Yaroch)
- TWiST #75 - A Five-Part Testing Meal, Part II (Matt Heusser & Pete Walen)
- TWiST #74 - A Five-Part Testing Meal, Part I (Matt Heusser & Pete Walen)
- TWiST #73 - Live from STPCon (Dani Almog, Matt Kallman and Pete Walen)
- Twist #72 - With Matt Heusser at STPCon, Part II
- TWiST #71 - With Matt Heusser at STPCon, Part I
- Twist #70 - More Test Coaching, Part II (w/ Scott Barber, Anne-Marie Charrett, Eric Landes, and Michael Larsen)
- Twist #69 - More Test Coaching (w/ Anne-Marie Charrett, Eric Landes, and Michael Larsen)
- TWiST #68 - on Motivation (w/ Jonathan Bach, Michael Larsen, and Wade Wachs)
- TWiST #67: Test Coaching (w/ Scott Barber, Lanette Creamer, Michael Larsen & Virginia Reynolds)
- TWiST #66 - STP-CON Open Jams, Part 3 (w/ Scott Barber, Lanette Creamer and Virginia Reynolds)
- TWiST #65 - STP-CON Open Jams, Part 2 (w/ Scott Barber, Dave Limbaugh, Michael Larsen and Adam Yuret)
- TWiST #64 - STP-CON Open Jams, Part 1 (w/ Scott Barber, Dave Limbaugh, and Adam Yuret) TWiST #63 - with Progressive Insurance (Greg McNelly, Mark Vasko, and Rajesh Subramanian)
- TWiST #62 - with Eric Landes
- TWiST #61 - with Treb Ryan
- TWiST #60 - with Timothy Western
- TWiST #59 - with Miagi-do (Ajay Balamurugadas, Markus Gaertner, Matt Heusser, Michael Larsen and Adam Yuret)
- TWiST #58 - with Brett Leonard
- TWiST #57 - with Noah Sussman
- TWiST #56 - with Matt Kallman
- TWiST #55 - with Dave Haeffner
- TWiST #54 - with Tim Ottinger
- TWiST #53 - with Scott Barber (Part 2)
- TWiST #52 - with Scott Barber (Part 1)
- TWiST #51 - with Abbie Caracostas
- TWiST #50 - with Adam Yuret (Part 2)
- TWiST #49 - with Adam Yuret (Part 1)
- TWiST #48 - with Eric Jacobson
- TWiST #47 - with Randy Rice
- TWiST #46 - with Steve Alexander
- TWiST #45 - with Grand Rapids Testers Group
- TWiST #44 - with Stephen Copp
- TWiST #43 - with Heather and Andy Tinkham (Part 2)
- TWiST #42 - with Heather and Andy Tinkham (Part 1)
- TWiST #41 - with Michael Larsen
- TWiST #40 - with Fiona Charles
- TWiST #39 - with Kristin Dukic and Peter Walen
- TWiST #38 - with Zach Spencer
- TWiST #37 - with Lanette Creamer
- TWiST #36 - with Sean McMillan
- TWiST #35 - with Richard Sheridan
- TWiST #34 - with Dawn Cannan
- TWiST #33 - with Jon Kohl
- TWiST #32 - with Brian Noggle (QAHatesYou)
- TWiST #31 - with Jonathan Mischo
- TWiST #30 - Tester's Dinner in Palo Alto
- TWiST #29 - with Scott Duncan
- TWiST #28 - with Shmuel Gershon
- TWiST #27 - with Dr. Cem Kaner
- TWiST #26 - with Henrik Emilsson
- TWiST #25 - with Michael Czeiszperger
- TWiST #24 - with Liz Marley
- TWiST #23 - with Mark Crowther
- TWiST #22 - with Jane Fraser
- TWiST #21 - with Selena Delesie and Lynn McKee (Michael Larsen interviewing)
- TWiST #20 - with Brett Schuchert
- TWiST #19 - with Matt Heusser (Marlena Compton interviewing)
- TWiST #18 - with Rich Hand
- TWiST #17 - with Marlena Compton, Oliver Erlewein and Farid Vaswani
- TWiST #16 - with Catherine Powell
- TWiST #15 - with Michael Larsen
- TWiST #14 - with Mark Vasko and Alex Kell
- TWiST #13 - with Zach Spencer
- TWiST #12 - with Mike Dwyer
- TWiST #11 - with Jared Quinert and Brian Osmond
- TWiST #10 - with Goranka Bjedov and Dan Downing
- TWiST #09 - with Henrik Andersson
- TWiST #08 - with Anne-Marie Charrett
- TWiST #07 - with Jonathan Kohl
- TWiST #06 - with Selena Delesie
TWiST-Plus episodes are not hosted directly by SoftwareTestProfessionals, so these episodes are FREE and can be downloaded directly (no registration required).
- TWiST-Plus - STP CON Fall 2010 Agile and the Golden Age of Pirates - Adam Goucher
- TWiST-Plus - Marlena Compton Talks Literature and Muses /w Matt Heusser
- TWiST-Plus - PNSQC 2010 - Seeking the Simple Within the Complex - Jonathan Bach
- TWiST-Plus - PNSQC 2010 - Testers Performing Code Reviews - Alan Page
- TWiST-Plus - PNSQC 2010 - Touch Testing and Polarities - Liz Marley and Denise Holmes
- TWiST-Plus - PNSQC 2010 - Virtual Extreme Programming and Lego League - Richard Nieuenhaus, Ethan Takla & Ida Chow
- TWIST-Plus - PNSQC 2010 - White box Text Automation - Sushil Karwa and Sasmita Panda
Selenium Conference 2011
I attended Selenium Conference 2011 in San Francisco so that I could record the proceedings and interview the participants. Several of the talks, keynotes, and interviews will be referenced here. As of today, we are looking for a permanent place to house the podcasts. These links are temporary homes.
- Keynote - Jason Huggins (Tuesday morning, April 5, 2011)
- Keynote - Patrick Lightbody (Tuesday afternoon, April 5, 2011)
- Keynote - Bret Pettichord (Wednesday morning, April 6, 2011)
- Keynote - Simon Stewart (Wednesday afternoon, April 6, 2011)
The 2011 Great AST Board of Directors Debate
This was held on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 and consists of all of the candidates who ran for the Association for Software Testing's Board of Directors. The debaters were: Matt Heusser, Cem Kaner, Michael Larsen, Catherine Powell and Peter Walen. The four podcast files listed below make up the debate from beginning to end (plus some editing for time and flow). These will be hosted by AST, but for a limited time, you can get them here :) ).Other Podcasts
If you would be interested in having me produce a podcast for your testing initiative or event, or if you would like to be considered for interviews, please feel free to leave me a note here and let me know.
1 comment:
Hi Michael!
I love your work - I recently listened to the episode on ‘Digital Transformation’ of The Testing Show Podcast and thought it was great.
I wanted to get in touch to find out whether you're looking for guests for your podcast? I'd love to share more about myself and some of the projects I'm currently working on.
Looking forward to speaking with you!
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